Any thoughts on removing a preamp from your system

Hello guys

This is my first post and I have been on Audiogon for a number of years now.

My question to the group is, have any of you removed your preamp completely from your system? Run your front ends straight to your amp? And, what benefits have you noticed, if any.

And finally, if you have used a passive preamp in your system, what are your thoughts on the setup?

I understand one would need to have some sort of "pot" in the signal path to regulate volume.


Showing 1 response by b_limo

Whenever Al chimes in, i just skip to the bottom of his post and try to understand his conclusion. I thought I was somewhat smart until I started coming around here, haha!

I really love my Lightspeed Attenuator. It definately removed that last layer of haze I had at the time. I think it has incredible transparency and dynamics and it was $500. I think you'd have to spend 3 to 4 times that much to even begin to make an improvement, probably at the cost of some transparency.