Any opinions on the AMR Digital Processor 777 Dac?

I am wondering what users are thinking of this dac and if they have compared it to similarly priced units. I haven't seen much information or any professional reviews at this point and I am intrigued by it's functionality.

Showing 7 responses by jriggy

Breaking-in a DP-777 now... How wild of a ride is it? Say around the 255 to 275+ hours mark???
I may have an unrelated issue but hard to tell since Im in the middle of the break-in with this unit.
I have listened periodically and it seemed to really be shaping up but I dont recall it sounding this way even out of the box.
Did any of you experience a big dip somewhere near this point???
In one power down for a few mins it went from getting close to that magic I heard from a fully broken-in unit to a lil bass shy, flat soundstage and bright sounding/upper mid glair. Just plain askew and a lil out of balance. Some parts of the sound still seem relatively fine, others not.
Like I said, I may have another issue but hard to tell while in a break-in process, so figured I would check...
My 500 hours was indeed a rollercoaster ride! At the time of my question above I had a strange screech/pop from my amp at shut-down. So I waited a few mins and powered back up to insure everything was fine and the sound was flat, brittle, no bass. The amp is fine now and it was unrelated to the AMR but confused my perception through the break-in for a good few days...
I have passed 500 hours but the unit is not quite to the magic of my demo experience. if memory serves, my dealer has had his unit since last Nov. or so. And Audiofun pointed to his 800 hour mark. So I must assume that FULL break-in happens around the 800+ (1000?) hour point.
Fine by me! It is very good at this 500 hour point and since I know I heard it even better, there must be more glory to come!

Here are a few of my thoughts during my demo that sent to a few friends. Nothing that really has not already been said though...
This DAC is exquisite! I find it silky and smooth yet robust at the same time. It is punchy when needed and delicate when needed -- it seems to embrace the intended nuances of the recording. It is very natural and organic sounding by nature. Not overly detailed, but all the right detail in all the right places. It just sounds 'real'... Furthermore its soundstage is what I have always wanted! It is larger than I have ever had . It is taller than ever, with great dimensionality. Sounds seem to radiate from all sides of the Ulysses, with music stretching and growing from even the far back corners of the speakers. Sounds will place themselves in space and then bloom and grow in any direction --but all in a very natural and real way.
Tone, timber, natural detail, sound-staging to die for is all there in this unit. At least for me.

It is hard to put this into words, since the unit just sounds so right and natural. Nothing out of place, nothing to little or to much. Just right.

If I was to try to pick it apart... A detail hound may want more. A hound for dynamics and immediacy, may want a more 'PA system/concert like' presentation. Basically, if someone is looking for something in-particular to be slightly exaggerated, they wont find it here.
I love the TWL PC's for some things but definitely not all. Once I took the TWL cord off the AMR and put on a HiDiamond Power3 cord the AMR came to life even more. It was a sleepy lil thing with the cords I think you use. But with a more suitable PC, it 'woke up!'
FWIW I also tried it with a Sablon Gran Corona PC but the HD3 is what really worked for it.
The difference here IME was not small. Added texture, bass and openness...
I understand your "preference" but do not see this unit getting any unnecessary or exaggerated "hype" like you say it is. Just this thread of happy owners. different flavors for different systems.
One of my audio buddies has a friend in the AU that has a 25k analog rig along side the rest of his high-dollar (in my world) system... This guy heard the DP-777 in his system and thought it was superb! Said it got closer to his analog rig than he had ever herd before...
And I think I am may be going to borrow that Metrum Octave from your friend to hear for myself...

I wish the fellow from the AU would post his thoughts on the AMR his self. He found it to be superb in his 100k system...
Are you still using power cords in series, via the VH Audio PC break-in adapters??? I tried this and am curious if you are still doing it or if you are still running in series with your SC's and IC's also...

And to be thread relevant, I sold my DP-777 for a Lampizator DAC.
I have a Lampizator level 4 gen 4. It is supremely musical with better bass than the AMR and a nice rich analog sound. But Yington is right. Nothing is the best and it all depends on your priority. The AMR has better front to back layering and delicacy. Maybe something else too but the music just flows from the Lamp... Different flavors. I demoed a Luxman integrated amp that had a warm and round sound, not overly detailed. With that amp, I was wishing I had the AMR again.