Any member feedback from C.E.S. 2006?

Anyone have any comments or discovery of some exciting new products?

I'd like to read some comments on:

New Wadia SACD players
New VTL amplifiers
DarTZeel preamp
Vandersteen Quatro
Any replacement for the Nordost Valhalla?
Shunyata Helix AC cables
Any standout rooms?

Showing 1 response by cheapmike

1. RCM "Bonasus" 2 channel push-pull tube integrated was very good at $6000 price point, 16watt/channel 8 ohm,
2. Nuforce stuff was suprisingly good.
3. AudioNote best-in-show??, even sounded good with Finish heavy-metal band, demoed' to show it can do anything.
4.Power surge at THE Show wiped-out some equiptment, recorded as high as 200 volts for awhile, The Audion guys had to run HomeDepot power cord from other room to replace blown power conditioner.
5. New Yamaha "speaker", about 4 ft. wide, 5"high, 4" deep. Fits under video screen, has 42? small speakers, amps, processors that "beam" sound to 5 locations, very very convincing 5.1 effect, esp.good for apartments, good WAF.
6. BlueCircle Amp sounded very good with small speaker.
7. Cary room sounded good.
8. Herron room sounded good.
9. More later as I check out some of my limited notes.