any hear dared or ming da amps?

any reviews?

Showing 1 response by souterncross

Ive own a Markhill (rebadged yaqin) 6l6a tube amp and found this to be a good entery level 23 watt amplifier it cost me approx ($ 850 AUD) about ($680 USD) new in the box delivered.And must admit was dissapointted with it at 1 st untill I started down the path to tube rolling.

I rolled the original 6l6 gcr electron tubes to (svetlana c winged 6l6gc) and rolled the smaller no name brand tubes to (Jan 6922 (8613)Phillips ECG) tubes this was a great improvement giveing it a bigger more 3d soundstage,the added beifit was it sounded better at lower volume settings and I did'nt have to drive the amp as hard to get a better responce.

From there I rolled the svets to tung sol kt 66 and still use the Jan 6922 tubes. it now sounds pretty dam good for a a $680 chinnese amp ,(IF I HAD TOO) stick with this amp, I would be more than happy to ,if you've got got a low budget this is a good amp in my humble opinion.

I also own a Mcintosh mc 240 tube amp (and waiting for delivery of a 2nd one)these are a whole different beast and way more expencive amp ,I wont go into how these amps sound because they are legendary and there's stacks of threads out there,and its all been said before by more experienced guys than I .Bye Paulie