Any bad experience with wilson audio sasha w/p?

Sorry for the question, but I have been hearing good reviews about wilson audio sasha w/p. I am actually convinced to try a new set but hope I can get the negative side so I can come out with a decision that I will not regret in the future.

Showing 4 responses by elberoth2

There are many solid state amps that sound great with Sashas. I do not agree that they have to be super expensive - Cary SA-200.2, which costs $4000, sounds absolutely amazing with Sashas.

The key is to get an amp that sounds smooth. It doesn't have to be a tube amp, although tube amps in general sound smoother than SS ones. The Sashas tweeter is so revealing, that it will let you instantly know about any problems upstream. Get everything right (which includes the front end) and there are a few speakers, irrespective of price, that will sound better.
Bo1972 - you obviously must have some problems with Wilsons. 10 bashing posts, in just one thread !

FYI - I'm a classical music lower. Just before I went with Sashas, I have had Avalon Eidolon Vision and I have also extensively auditioned (in my system) Audio Physics Avanti, Magnepans 3.6, Audiostatic and Quad 2905 (which is one of the most natural sounding speakers around). I strongly disagree with what you had written regarding the Sasha. This speaker sounded beautifully natural natural in my room, with the 'you are there feeling' and soundstaging which was second to none.

I think that the biggest problem for Wilson is that people bash Sasha based on their previous experiences with earlier generations of Wilson speakers. Sasha sounds VERY different to all earlier W/P models (I hated myself all WP models I have heard, starting from the WP3.2 up to WP7; the fact that I liked Sasha so much was actually a big surprice for me !) which is probably exactly why Wilson didn't call this speaker WP9.

PS. I just sold my Sashas, so I'm not defending the speaker I own. I'm defending a speaker which I used to own, and I think it is a great product. Right now I'm on a fence which speaker to choose next. Wilson Alexia is one of the speakers I'm seriously considering.
As they say - the company success can be measured by the number of haters ;)

On a serious note - for those looking for a relatively cheap amp that works great with Sasha, I strongly recommend the $3990 Cary SA-200. It is quite powerful (2x200W/2x350W) has no problems driving Sasha, is very smooth and a bit on the warm side. A lovely match, I have used this amp for several months and preferred it to many more expensive designs.

Bo - as you identified yourself as a dealer, selling competing products, you should refrain yourself from further posting in this thread.
Bifwynne - you are 3 weeks too late. I have already 'donated' my Sashas to a friend :) Looking for a new speakers right now - Wilson Alexia is one of the three speakers I'm considering (the other two are Magico and Rockport).

My room was designed by a local acoustician. I'm not US based, so the name will not tell you much. Glad you like it though !