Any bad experience with wilson audio sasha w/p?

Sorry for the question, but I have been hearing good reviews about wilson audio sasha w/p. I am actually convinced to try a new set but hope I can get the negative side so I can come out with a decision that I will not regret in the future.

Showing 2 responses by david12

I have never been a Wilson fan, but had a powerful lesson why recently at a small show in England. I entered the room and the Sashas were being driven by a large Krell stereo amp, I am not sure which. Brittle, edgy, hard and quite unpleasant sound. I was just about to run out screaming, when the amp was changed to an Audio research reference 150. What a difference, all the detail but smooth, fast, great soundstage, quite delightful. I believe Wilson's are voiced on ARC amps.
Thinking about it, I have always heard Wilson speakers on SS amps. My conclusion, they need tubes and maybe ARC are the best choice.
The consensus, if there is one, seems to be that Wilson Sashas can sound great, with a lot of effort and the right ancillaries and recordings. That seems to be my limited experience too. As a point of principal, can any product be considered great,, when there are these provisos. I am not trying to give a definitive answer here, but asking the question.

I have been struck before by some HiFi reviewers, particularly in HiFi+, where they give a glowing write up about a product, concluding "It's the best there is, on such and such music, if you use these speakers and cables etc"
To me, how can it by great with so many qualifications.

To make some suggestions for Ricred1, about alternatives under $30000, that are musical, unfussy and not critical of the genre of music being played, I would suggest Daedalus, perhaps the Ulysses and Sonus Faber.