Antiskating .... The last analog secret

excellent condition
hardly used

no, I didn't do that :)

I think, there is a difference between Antiskating and the right Antiskating.
Calibration with a blank surface is not always the 100% solution.
What do you think?

Showing 5 responses by audiofeil

>>12-22-08: Stringreen
I have found that not only is correct anti-skate an illusive quest<<

I've heard it described as elusive, nebulous, imprecise, and inexact but never illusive.

Interesting concept though.
Sumiko Blue Point?

That's funny. Entry level/run of the mill.

Anyway, based on the dozens of cartridges I've owned and heard, the comtemporary stylus shapes easily outperform the conicals and ellipticals of yesteryear.
That study was conducted long before the advent of shibata,
gyger, van den hul, and other fine line profiles.

I'd question its' applicability today.
If an LP sounds distorted the primary causes are vinyl damage and misalignment. Others are excessive gain, etc.

You're right when you say "there is no getting rid of this" if the record is damaged. That is irreversible.

However, given an undamaged record, a properly aligned cartridge, and a well matched tonearm, distortion can be minimized to an imperceptible level. A zen master is not necessary; only patience and a little know how.