Anthonyn Cordesman on Edward Snowden

With all the debate on hi end reviewers, I think it's pretty impressive to see Anthony Cordesman quoted, in the text below this video:

Showing 7 responses by csontos

In the meantime, how about paying attention to legitimate diplomatic effort and taking preemptive action when warranted and seriously kicking ass when needed! That Boston tragedy was just that and shouldn't have happened. What the hell kind of diplomacy is preventing the US Gov. from acting on tips and info it receives from friendly nations whether they're allies or not? Problem is there's too many free agents out there in positions to exercise their own agendas. Like it or not, we're now actually living in a 'global' community. It's now 'us' against them. Call me a theorist but I don't believe for one second that Britain and Germany are unaware of the US' clandestine operations. We need them as much as they need us.
Zen,okay, but in the meantime, how long are you willing to wait for the facts? History waits for someone to write it but it doesn't know who it is until it happens.
The fact is we all do know the truth and you've been careful enough in your analysis to ward off a heretic's or fanatic's badge. Do some research into the true character and positions of authority of your founding fathers and things will fall into perspective. "Great democratic experiment"? I don't think so. Maybe a few little ones along the way. Interesting read in the paper today by Daniel Ellsberg titled 'Snowden made right call to flee U.S.'
No offense but how could you possibly not be influenced by politics regarding political issues? US history, Roman 'Empire', Snowden. You haven't made a single non-political statement.

Mine was purely rhetorical.