Amps for Dynaudio Confidence 5s?

I am putting together a 2-channel system starting w/ the Confidence 5s. Deciding which amp (and preamp) to buy. Currently looking @ Classe CA-301/CP47.5 and Bryston 7BSTs/BP-25. Comments, suggestions and personal experiences ( about the components) appreciated

Showing 1 response by bernstem

I own a pair of Confidence 3s and have heard the Confidence 5s being driven by Krell FPB 250s and they sounded great (I love that midrange dome). They do, however, need a lot of power. They guy who owned them felt they needed more power than the 250 could dish out and was buying a pair of the big Krell FPB 650s to run them. He primarily felt that the compound loaded woofer wasn't dynamic enough being run on the 250s. I have not heard them being run on either Bryston or Classe components, but I do agree with Carl, that you should consider listening to some of the Krell amps with them. In my experience they make a good match.