Amplifier Weight. A Factor?

With majority of the good high-end amplifiers exceeding 100lb, it is actually painful to move them. So, here are questions to all.
Is amplifier’s weight a factor in your amplifier selection?
If you own heavy weight amps (i.e. Krell FPB600/180lb, Levinson 33/365 lb), how do you handle them without scratch?


Showing 2 responses by kcthong

Although you need big and heavy transformer to have true high power output, it is difficult to handle. I sold my krell 700 cx because of that and go for Nagra VPA.
There are many high efficiency speakers out there.No more need for me to go for big heavy amps.Anyway a lot of the watts are wasted as heat,in cross-over and to adjust the sensitivity of the drivers.