Aesthetix Rhea and Calypso Tube rolling-what did you do?

Hey all!  been having a blast with the Calypso and Rhea here, both in signature versions.  Have a Stradivari v2 cart fronting that and looking to start rolling some new NOS tubes in both units.  Price really isn't 'too' much of a consideration.  I am happy to experiment and play around some here.  That being said, the list out there goes far and wide, and deep.  Looking to add a bit of warmth but keep the top end as airy as i can here.  The units are a bit dark and seem to roll off the top octaves just so slightly.  Bass isn't bad, not last word of slam and could be improved on probably as well, but far more concerned with midrange and top end dynamics

Would love to hear what the community has done with their units and how you got to your 'sweet spot'.  Thanks!

Showing 2 responses by r_f_sayles

Old thread but current thoughts... I have had the Calypso and Rhea Signatures for a long, long time, tried most every band/type and find a 5751 RCA triple mica black plate to be the weapon of choice in my pre, with Amperex 6DJ8s. I utilize an NOS quad of Telefunken smooth plate 12AX7s (Amperex Bugle Boys were also very nice, perhaps offering just a bit of music sparkle (NOT overly tipped up at all)) in the first gain stage of the Rhea for their clean, top to bottom linearity and lack of added colour, and RCA 7058s (per Glenn at Aesthetix) in the 2nd stage (RIAA). The 3rd has far less influence on tone. I found a date matched pair of Telefunken 6DJ8 medical grade that are dead quiet (between the music of course) for the final sockets. Sounds lovely and very revealing.
73cuttyspreme, I certainly agree with your choice of gear and your take on what you want sonically out of these fine components. It very much mirrors my own. Your approach is sound. After investing what you have in the hardware it would be a huge misstep to be cheap about valve selection, ridiculous actually, especially given the lifespan of a well vetted set of signal tubes. These offer more to the mix than does a good set of performance rubber on a sports car or dash of spice on a otherwise excellent meal. I have had my two units since before sending them both back to Glenn and Jim for Signature Editions. Now thinking toward Eclipse upgrades... 

Bye the way, there are several very reliable NOS tube sources still in business but a note from experience, Andy at VintageTubeServices is a rare gem and a gentleman! I have signal tubes that he hand/ear picked over a decade ago that are still sounding as sweet as the day I plunked done my hard earned dollars for the privilege. If you where interested and couldn’t readily find a pair of RCA 7058s (for the second gain stage), they are commonly pretty cheap when one can find them, but PM me and I’d be happy to send you a pair. 

Please follow back up in this thread and tell us what you find and how it worked out. Do this for future readers (as so many don’t bother to do).