Advice on replacing Vandersteen 2's

A close friend of mine needs to relace his old Vandy 2's (they are probably the original 2, dating from the late 80's). He needs something smaller and more decor-friendly. The rest of the system is modest: the small Eagle amplifier, a Bryston pre, Rega TT, JVC 1010 CDP. Nevertheless, this system really sings. It has tremedous drive, tons of bass, and never fails to sound musical on just about everything.

My friend is not an audiophile but he is very much a music lover. He doesn't sit in the sweet spot and listen critically to the system. He bounces around the room and the house when music is playing, and sometimes he plays along on his alto sax. He listens almost exclusively to jazz, mostly be-bop.

The Vandy 1C is his gut instinct, but I want him to explore some other possibilities. Let's say under $2500 new. I'm wondering about speakers from Totem, the Meadowlark Swift, Triangle? Any suggestions?
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Showing 1 response by lolo

2ce is a tough tough act to follow. Totem Forest are nice but very different than 2c and better is certain areas. might try the Totem hawks