About users with hidden agendas

If you know that a user is a dealer and they fail to disclose and attacks other users because they make a point against their interest, do you expose the user?

I know of a gentleman here that continuously posts and goes after people and does not disclose who he is. 

What are the ethics of this forum?


Showing 19 responses by oldhvymec

OP after setting up enough square or rectangle rooms with 8,9, or 10 foot ceiling you kinda know where you're at.

In Master M’s laboratory not so much. I would only enter with permission and then only with a guide. I’ve been in a few (Tesla) labs in my life. You just don’t touch stuff or enter without permission.

The only issue I have with that set up is the wife listens to more Stereo than me.
She would take a rake, a hoe and most likely a machete and clean the place out.
She knows what works for her too. 2 hours she would be up and running stuffing pillows for starters in the corners after that.

Sorry Master M. She would offer CPR if you needed it after your 2-3 year journey to get there.

I have no doubt your Sanctum is the pinnacle of sonic genius. Your selection in decor is rather spectacular too. I personally can see the work it would take to get a room to look like that and sound good. That wouldn’t be a problem for me if in the end it DIDN’T stay that way.

Knowing we can achieve perfect sound at the expense of having to visually block what I’m surrounded by is not something me or the wife could do. Experimenting yes, permanent NO.

After 40+ years in the same house, she know the rooms as good as me.

I just watched her move the dog from in front of the right monitor, the dog went back over and laid down. She got a couch pillow close to the same size and dropped it on the left side in front of the speaker.. LOL I never said a word..

I did get "THE LOOK" when I called the dog though.. :-) She snatched the pillow back up..


Praise in public.

Chew in private.

If all else fails you don't have to accept the insults. You can always return them to sender. 

If what they are saying is the truth or a lie? A simple "here's the facts"? usually clears thing up..

I've caught audio2design a few times reinventing him/herself. There were a few that did it, trying to be a sneak, you'll see a LOT of that around MCs post. They arrive like flies to $hit.

Some ONLY post when he does. You can guess who they really are?

To tell the truth, ebm is right, WHO CARES!!


Baby needs a new pair of shoes and the rent is due! :-)

The funny part stereo5 is true audiophile junkies are SLOW to part with their goods. A used car salesman isn't.

"We're gonna put you in something today EVEN if we have to steal one and sell it to ya!" I had a guy tell me that..

I'm looking for an "XYZ". A good salesman, listens and says have you thought about ZYX or (YOU should know as a salesman) there mind is made up. NOW what accessories do they need to be happy when they try to set up. Customer first, Salesman LAST! 

Great equipment at a reasonable price, you don't have to "Jump the customer" to sell something. On AG it's actually kind of underhanded for others that are not selling as a business but to clean the closet. :-)

I will offer FREE services just to piss someone off though. I don't mind taking advantage of the stupid folks, I like doing that.

But honest "I don't know", folks that is just BAD stuff. Reaping what you sow, Karma, bad mojo, it will come back to bite ya. Stupid though.. Great fun!!

Time to feed the chickens..


I've seen posters also speak ill of a Dealer because they received a peace of used equipment that some how show up DOA. Dealers don't sell DOA gear. 

Then there is the plug and play crew that miss a switch for XLR/RCA or not plug the power cable in all the way.. Those are always fun, they open a thread and slam the Dealer.

I really like the ones about shipping damage. It's usually a packing issue 90% of the time. You put enough stickers on a box it will get handled a little easier. Packing is a whole different story.. Few sellers are good at packing. They usually forget the customer has to get the package, intact, before the deal is complete. Not get the money. :-)

What can I say I HATE peanuts! Except when it cost peanuts..


Master M. what's up.. All for peanuts... :-)

I just got a pound of fresh AAA Madagascar vanilla bean.

Did you know Vanilla is an Orchid. One of the most labor intensive commodities produced, HEAVEN.. Vanilla fudge coming up.. LOL


I'm impressed, sound tribal almost, 60s. Togas anyone. No ONE will iron out a difference for me, period. That is between me and the nitwit I have a beef with.

As for MC, I miss him. He'll be back. 

I never met a person I didn't like, until AG. Then I had to consider I had only read the AG forums for 15 years, never participated. It's always what they do, not the person, that is what I was taught. No BAD people, just bad things.. BOY was I wrong. Live and learn!

I thought about the stuff that went on by the few at the time. It was the wild wild west. With people reporting because they were reported. Funny to watch the kids play. 3 pages of back and fourth by 6 or so people. 

I had to talk about the chickens and the rabbit and the dog and that damn goat they made more sense.

MC talked to me on a few occasion rather brash, I returned the favor. He was trying the waters with ME.. I'm a GOOD swimmer. That lasted for 30 days or so..

Then I almost died, I WAS CLOSE! Blood clot in my lung and in my heart and was have daily heart attacks for 10 weeks. 

I went from fixing a fence and bruising my thigh to three days later fighting for my life. I been shot 3 time, ALL felt better. Kidney stones felt better. That's sayin' something too.

I needed a procedure that could fix me, I was to sick for it,  I had lost 1/2 of a lung.
They gave me less than a week to live.. I say my Goodbyes and guess who PMs me. That's right.. MC. "Your gonna be all right" He asked about what I was having done. I told him what I knew. "Your gonna be all right". 

Ya know when your a mechanic all your life and you can't fix a STUPID broken heart, it sucks...:-)

I said goodbye to the wife, kissed the dog and rabbit fed the chickens a flipped off the goat as he ate the rest of my hat and drove myself to the hospital.

I made it.

I remember that. That whole thing was weird. As for hunting and drinking. I don’t drink, and I quit hunting men! Game never intrigued me. I’m a big ol softy when it comes to animals. Everyone (the animals) was a doorstep baby. Kids not so much, I give them back or pass them off to the neighbor lady.. :-)

Almarg went to heaven, I didn’t know him, BUT I read a lot of his replies. He was patient, a Gentleman and truly missed.

I don’t care for people to much, 2 hours a week with my grandson is plenty for me.
Lookin’ at the neighbor lady, I’m good for 5 minutes. Talkin’ 2. :-)

I type more than I talk. I don't like big words. BUT I like big Bu..s I cannot lie.. :-)


jetter we're all good never an issue, you know me, I'm no wilting flower, I'll speak up.:-)


Different thing, same topic (I think).

A shill is paid or receives compensation to say they like a product weather they personally like it or not.

Name a single persons on AG that fits that. Just ONE will do.

A salesperson CAN'T be a shill, and nobody meets the definition, so why the name callin'?

Mr. Mirror to the rescue.

I didn't know what a shill was. I do now. It has about the same impact as the word racist. ZERO!!



Why should anyone assume a shill does not receive compensation?


It’s the only way you can be one. If you like the product or not, you shill the product for compensation. That is the actual definition of a SHILL. There is not 50 definitions. Just one! The act of being deceitful for payment. Fraud! A Shill

Even a Barker is not a shill, a salesperson, a person that works for "Space Aliens invade White house" or "Barack Obama is Joe Biden’s LOVE CHILD" they are SHILLS. I don’t know maybe they do believe that stuff. :-)

Like I said, show me one person that was compensated and doesn’t like the product. Does that make it easier to understand..

JUST ONE will do.. I’ve never heard of one on AG other than the newbies that everything new is "the best thing sense sliced bread". Then tell everyone of their new discovery. THEN they move a speaker and the world changes again. I’m a mechanic, I expect change when I did something, not thinking about doing something.. :-)

I love Mcintosh, the only thing they EVER gave me was the BILL. I promote Mac, plain and simple. They aught to pay me come to think of it.. I’ll work on that.

The only reason not to use Mcintosh is because you don’t have the funds, or you like being ashamed. One I understand, the other I tolerate.. :-)

BTW the C2500 is out of the shop R&B was fast, reasonable, and courteous.
Man it sound nice with Blackburns or Telefunkens.. Camron...


I want to send you some gear all right.. Absurd? Some people can't hear and swear everyone in the same way. Why do you think there are so many crappy mechanics. They can't hear or feel. Same way with the "let's measure" crowd. I'll listen, then measure. Trust and verify. The only thing that guy ever said that made any sense.

The paraquat presidents. Poison their own citizens. NUTS!!!


"This is down to set up, something you can quickly ascertain by looking at a photo"

This is another laughable nonsense.


100% PICs are the place to start. LOOK before you speak. I see once again the cart is before the horse. Pictures tell you everything about a system. THEN you rest your mouth and ears and listen..

I just posted that on Monday, I helped a buddy after 5 years of messing around. 4 hours later he was happy after 5 years of poor SQ. 2 floor to ceiling silk curtains, 2 3 x 4ft panels, a large thick oval rug, placement and I repaired the great pair of cables he bought. I know I own the same cables and his speakers, I use the same type.

I had listened two times in 6 or 7 years to his set up.

We did everything the way I always do it, not the way he does it. BINGO! ALL from a picture and a listen 5-7 years ago..

If I couldn’t hear a problem, but I’m hearing the same complaint from the customer I should put my past experience to work, not reinvent to wheel. It’s not life or death if your off a little bit either.

After seeing ENOUGH set-ups over the years you know what tools to bring with you, to the job site.

Explain how what Mr Denney said is any different. He knows by looking... HE BETTER know by looking after all theses years.. Are there exceptions seldom.

I’m afraid instead of revealing a flaw in his thinking, you have exposed a rather limiting flaw of your own...

To much reading and not near enough doing.. 20/80 rears its head again.

20% of the people do 80% of the work the other 80% (like you two) talk about it..

Thanks once again for the professional answer and skipping the bla bla bla. Mr. Denney. You need a GOOD PR man. (This time it’s free) :-)

I’m very good at picking my nose, EVERYONE can relate to that right..:-)

It cannot be done. Once you start a thread and people respond, it is enshrined until AudiogoN says otherwise. But please, show us how it’s done. Take some screenshots showing how you delete a thread with multiple responses. Post them here.


I’ve deleted a few. Everyone has the ability to delete their own post or complete threads, with or without responses.

Just look you’ll see. Discussions started and click it. You will see the tool wheel to the side of the one you want to get rid of. Click it. You can’t edit the topic or header unless there are no post and a time frame (I think.) BUT you can delete the whole thread.

You’ll see a pic of a (home) / ted_denney / discussions. Just like the new path for NTFS/file directories. Easy peasy Mr ted_denney.


rixthetrick I do what is it, I need to condone. NOW that I see who this bunch of SITE hopper are I'll treat them the way they deserve. 

They have not contributed ONE thing to this sight other than dissention and slander.

BAD BUNCH! Not what AG is about in ANY way. This is a site of commerce and education. They offer neither.

Not one time have any of them disclosed they RAN AH that I've read until today.

Mr. Denney ignore the whole bunch of fools. 

As I kiss Zeus (left bicep 18") and Hades (right bicep 18.5")

You bunch of limp noodles.

:-) no no :-(

Can't be flamed for your own opinion. It's yours to have or change. I even change my mind every now and then. 

I use to like fast cars and faster women. Now it's "would you please slow down" both of you. :-)

Oh wow If I would have known who this bunch was from the beginning, I would have joined right in and told the bunch of mental midgets they are the slimiest bunch of nitwits I’ve seen in a long time alone with Ethen W. GO AWAY. There is nothing on AH I like not a single thing..

Don’t try to ruin THIS site too. This site is a place to enlighten people not limit them by your friggin stupefied measurement that are so outdated I quit using them in the field 20 years ago. Null that..

Master HD Mechanic Retired
OE Local 3
Teamsters Local 315
IMAW Local 1173

I’ve fixed more cables and tested more cables than ANY of you. PERIOD! 49 years I was a mechanic. I wasn’t trying to be one or run a web site or make videos. I fixed the 100k cables you guys say makes NO DIFFERENCE. Funny guys..

Talk about disclosure a little TO LATE!

BTW Measure THIS.

I’m with you Mr Denny, hell I don’t even know who you are.. At least your smart enough to buy Mcintosh.

Now I know why they rubbed me so wrong, I pretty sure MC wouldn’t be conversing with the measurement crowd.

I need to go take a shower..

Here is the summation of you guys. I can’t HEAR because I choose not to hear.

Your all a bunch of Girly men. Hemorrhoids! Preparation H super strength, please!!

You TWO clowns really need to put a cork in it. I've seen enough and read enough to know neither of you are here for the benefit of anyone other than to speak badly of certain people.

I'm going to actively and openly participate in teaching you both some manners.

I personally think you are BOTH cowards. I don't like what you do or say. You SAY God bless at the end of your post jerry and  say FU through the post. That my friend is the worst of the worst. 

You both need a LONG time out on your active campaign to derail threads and flame merchants who sell here on a regular basis.

You BOTH are full blow anarchist. You have no purpose other than to create a semblance of "God Bless" when in reality it is just the opposite. Unless I missed something, several time tsushima1 has been confronted because of IT'S foul nature in responding to anyone. STOP and speak with respect or leave.

If your going to speak about anyone on AG do so with respect in private and praise in public. BOTH of you have been trying to push your ugliness, one rather openly, one underhandedly as a team effort. Even the locals weren't as brazen as you two.

It's almost like you two bad brothers, both with different personalities but both with the same agenda. CAUSE discourse and mess with AG. 

Admin would you do something about these two, or give me my walkin' papers. I've heard and read enough. There is NO reasoning with either. It's easy to see the "TEAM" from AH has invaded like a Covid variant on AG. I need a 4th shoot.

Please add them to the George list.

Once, twice, three time. When is enough enough. PAGES of insults... over and over. The same CLOWN crowd use to harass the heck out of a few here, not a single OPEN "STOP THAT" from admin. Post some silly rule instead of saying in front of everyone (just like this) TO STOP! or GO! period. Make your choice!

I'll speak with my wallet. I don't need to BEG for donations to keep my affairs in order. I've always funded myself.. I can always take my wares and business elsewhere. 

Thank you ALL for reading and admin I bid you adieu!


So the mods still won’t do anything about the guy and continue to let him harass others. Sounds like it needs to go up a couple more notches.

Bring back MC and loose the person the mods REFUSE to dress down. Simple!

As an old shop steward admin needs to know when to step in. I once again see ZERO in the way of intervention only deletion.

Is ADMIN asleep, the mods ASLEEP. What is WRONG with the AG staff they can’t manage to give ME A TALKIN’ TO.

I’ll take a dressing down and expect it, I also expect the other clown to be also.

Do your job MODS. No, your not getting a raise.



@oldhvymec I never claimed to be the pinnacle of anything, or that my sound is perfect because it far from it. 



That's OK it wasn't addressed to you it was addressed to Master M and his lab. Someone said they couldn't tell by looking, so brail is out too, I find it odd what folks can tell from picture.

I was told a picture is worth 1000 words. I agree. Not to argue at all, just state some simple facts. I didn't figure out my rooms 2 or 3 years ago, I figured them out 35 years ago. That is my whole point. I don't have to go through a 5 year study of my room. It was done in 87-89. 

I'm sorry if I'm a little ahead of schedule comparing notes anyways. I thought that was the point. If Master M's 2-3 year journey has netted him good results be proud of me Master M. I did it 35+ years ago. That is all I'm saying. 

BTW it didn't cost to much, I used what was left over after building the rooms myself, including every nail and screw that was driven by me, not someone else..

Like 2 128cf Traps and a flush wall gear rack on a 24" x 36" x 16ft concrete slab with 8" x 8ft friction piers. It's actually reinforced concrete with cable not rebar.

The experiment for me was done a long time ago. I may not have quit the look of your lab Master M, but I assure YOU, my working shop is close..  The storage shop is a little more polished, I quit hanging meat in there anyway. But the meat hooks stayed. It impressed the neighbor lady, She likes tight black leather too. So do I, on the floor. "She can leave her hat on" 

SO, before everyone gets all fluffy, some folks did do their homework a long time ago. BTW not a single thing changed.

My traps are based on the Vicoustic Vari Bass Tunable Helmholtz Resonator theory I can open and close the trap face to adjust the frequency I want to trap, THEN turn the Vari Resonators to fine tune the standing waves that still need a little convincing.

See Master M. I payed attention it was 62 yeas ago when my father took me into the Gothic Cathedrals of Spain, England and France. They use the Helmholtz theory to tame rooms and also as a spying tool, to throw sound in a particular place. Priest had one commodity, confession.

With great respect.