a tube amplifier repair technician

I need my tube amplifier monoblock repaired..I live in New jersey..
any suggestions or directions..pls.

Showing 2 responses by maril555

I'm a little late to respond, but anyway:
I'm an ex-Supratek (make it two) owner, and I agree with you on the treble.
But, I think, I know a secret how to fix it.
Supratek uses silver- plated copper wire, and I think that's the culprit. How do I know?
Recently I had a tube amp made by very well regarded and respected manufacturer, who shall remain nameless, that is using the same type silver-plated copper wire in the chassis.
You guessed it, it sounded exactly like Supratek in terms of exaggerated and kind of discontinued from the rest of the frequency range, treble.
I changed the signal wire to a pure OCC Cryoed copper- and
the glare is GONE. Much more organic presentation.
I'm willing to bet money, that changing signal wire in Supratek will cure that treble.
Forget about tube rolling, changing ICs, speaker cables, support system and room treatments- it is not going to work. Been there, done that.
BTW, Bob Backert done a few jobs for me as well.
Luckily I live 10 min away from him.
The nicest gentleman (his son Gary too) you can ever meet.