2-way speaker with best bass

I know all the arguments about how crossovers can screw up loudspeakers, and hence the many inherent advantages of 2-ways over multi-driver designs. But there comes a point where the laws of physics can only be bent so far...

So... what IYO is the 2-way speaker that most successfully plumbs the depths, that provides the best full, but "tight and tuneful", bass, with good pitch definition, without completely messing up the higher registers?

For the moment, let's not worry about how this achievement might affect impedance and sensitivity.

Showing 1 response by twoleftears

This was meant more in the spirit of a "best of" list, rather than as a consultation regarding a specific system.

Recently I briefly heard a diminutive Sonus Faber speaker (not sure which model) putting out prodigious quantities of bass, driven by a Simaudio I-7 integrated, though ultimately it struck me as tending more to the one-note variety.

BTW, I'm surprised to see no votes yet for the Mani-2. What else are the heavy-hitters in this field?