
Discussions kanuk has started

how much $$$ to really upgrade my DAC35275
Upgrading phono stage for Denon DL103?52384
NVA amplifier anyone?178836
Tyler Decade D1 or D2 anyone?447310
Can excellent tubes transcend modest amps?994325
Which Integrated got you off the merry go round?6598151
Placette linestage vs. Adcom 750 passive791714
Cary 120S or VTL ST 150 for Woodmere II ?27200
Adcom GFP 750: why spend more?1872625
Shipping speakers to Europe - France: how to?19473
Monarchy Audio M24 and DIP upsampler38964
Tyler Woodmere II: any advices?1080723
CD or even Universal player with 2ch Digital IN ?19183
Economics of small speaker manufacturers618218
multi-channel solution34335