Kid Creole & Coconuts

If you love August Darnell and his music.....and you want to hear some of the grooviest trombone is their best performance of 'Don't take my Coconuts'
Turn the sound up on 'Full Screen' and hear another wild trombone at 7min30sec mark.
Yes....that's a good one Mrmitch.
'Particul'y Int'rested'.......'Name It' :-)
'Fresh Fruit in Foreign Places' is also great on vinyl.
'Private Waters in the Great Divide' however is disappointing.
And 'The Best Of Kid Creole & the Coconuts' has inferior sonics to the original albums.
Must try some of Marty's recommendations......
Just bought "Off the Coast Of Me" on vinyl. It's good but not as good as the previous album I mentioned.
I saw them perform back in the early 80's at The Fast Lane in Asbury Park. It was the wildest, most fun show I think I've ever seen. The girls danced out Hula style in grass skirts and the drummer popped up from behind his kit and crashed the cymbals with a coconut in each hand to open the set. Then the kid came out in a Zoot Suit and the show never let up.
I just bought the 3 DVD Set of Kid Creole and the Coconuts.
DVD 1 is the 1982 London Concert (which is my favourite of all the performances I have seen).
DVD 2 is the 1985 Paris Concert which is also great whilst
DVD 3 is a compilation of all known music videos and TV performances.

This is a set for the true believers of Darnell and the best backing musicians you're likely to see?.........and don't get me started on the Coconuts.....:-)
A lot can happen in 8 years thanks to the Internet and YouTube.......The world is rediscovering Kid Creole and the Coconuts!!!! 😍
And August is ageless......