Preamp for Bryston 3BST / Magnepan MG1.6QR

I am interested in people's experience with preamps in a Byston/Magnepan setup. I currently have a Bryston BP20 that results in a very thin and cold midrange. I am looking for something fuller and warmer. I have read good things about the Rogue preamps with Bryston amps, but I'm interested in how the Magnepans stir the mix. Thoughts anyone?
Ratbone, any particular reasons I should stay away from the Rogue 66 and 99? I have read more than one review with systems having Bryston amps and Rogue preamps.

I was looking into a Rogue 66 when I had the BP-25(newer verison and psupply, all balanced IC's) and a 4B-ST. I just did not get the comments I was looking for when asking sellers here (AG) how they liked the 66. At the price, the 99 seems pricey, and the newest Rogue (cool design) seems like the best deal (read the latest review in Absolute Sound). Both that and the TAD-150 seem like a great place to start if the the Lector ZOE is too much $$.

The BP-20/25, although dead quiet, will be easily outclassed sonically in most all departments by most tube pre-amps. Do not fear losing accuracy, detail, or bass by going to a tube'll most likely only gain, the sound will go from flat/sterile 2-D to full/exciting 3-D.

It is not a question of accuracy or warmth. The argument to me is kinda like comparing regular TV to HDTV.....HDTV must not be accurate because there is information present (visual) that cannot be seen on regular TV!!!! I am NOT going back to regular TV (BP-25) after seeing HDTV (Lector ZOE); no matter what the argument.
I had a 3BST, went to the Rogue 66 from the Bryston pre, enjoyed it alot more, found the Bryston pre amp a little dry and bright with the rock & roll that I mostly play. I then went to the Dehavilland Ultraverve, a little more pricy, but, it was a great match with the Bryston 3B ST to my ears. I have since replaced the Bryston for a little more power.....however, I agree with the above comments that a tube pre is defintely the way to go in regards to what you are looking for...
Going tube or hybrid with the Bryston and Maggies is the way to go. Some used ARC pre and play with tube rolling could be quite revealing. Check out the Marsh P2000t, quite a performer for the price.