Good Power Cord for a BPT Line Conditioner .......

I need some suggestions for a power cord on a BPT BP-1 power conditioner. The one that is supplied is Okay......but would like some ideas on a better one.
I went from the supplied cord to an Elrod EPS 3 Signature to an Elrod Statement
VH Audio AirSine if its in your budget. Beat out some other fine cords on my BPT 3.5 sig.
i have good result using a silver audio wattmaster with my running springs haley.
Electraglide - lowered noise floor, increased dynamics, increased speed & transparency, overall much, much better.
I'll second the VH Audio AirSine.

If that is too much, the VH Audio Flavor 4 with upgraded connectors is pretty darn good too (just not very flexible).
