Anagram STARS Resampling dsp - which brands?


I am interested if other brands than Audio Aero, Audiomeca or Camelot use this special upsampling dsp-chip? Are some of the big players also involved?

Thanks, Walter
I'm not positive, A friend has a 390S and he claims that it has the Anagram. M L doesn't disclose what chipset they use. I don't know how my friend knows( and maybe he could be wrong) but it does sound excellent!

found there an older post, where Jtinn claims also the using of Anagram in the ML390:

Maybe it is true! Would be good news for the outcoming ML40 or new Proceed AVPII.

The original and still the top application of the Stars system is the Audiomeca.Check our website.It will explain completly what the difference is from other users of the dac.