Best Budget power Cords

I was wondering if the budget power cords out there are better then the stock cords that come with gear. I own a MF A300 int. amp. and MF A3CD player, and am thinking that upgrading the power cords would be my next step in the quest for the best sound. Any help would be appreciated. Thx..
I also feel the Zu Cable Birth was a great value. In my system on my transport, it beats the Shunyata Sidewinder. I also have an Asylum cord and it's OK, I don't think it's that much better than stock cords.

The thing I like about the Zu is the fast bass which has very good extension - better than my Sidewinder. And it's not tizzy bright like the Sidewinder either. If I had to sum it up, I would describe the Zu as neutral with good extension at both ends with snappy dynamics in the low octaves. It doesn't have the rich midrange the Acoustic Zen cables have, but it's not that far off either. That said I admit I am still testing this cable, and these comments come after a couple weeks of use.

Cords I have, in addition to those above, are Acoustic Zen Tsunami and Krakatoa, Kimber PowerKord and a couple homemade ones. The homemade ones were a waste of money and I would discourage the investment in such a project when so many companies offer 30 day trials. It was cheaper to build, but it now sits unused in my den. I suppose you could get luckier than I did.

Another worthwhile investment is a dedicated 12 AWG (or 10 AWG) 20 amp circuit with good outlets, like FIM, Wattgate or Acme. I compared P&S against FIM and in my system, the FIM work much better; more musical. There's a review at Galon Carol's website - went with the FIM's before Galen posted his it wasn't a sales pitch that pulled me in. The hospital grade Leviton outlets should be avoided for possible poor performance over the longer term...many reports of degraded sound...and something that I experienced first-hand as well.

-- Greg
The Asylum cord is a great cord at the price point. Well built, cheap price and some of the proceeds go to Charity. Mine works very well with my Rogue 66 power supply - better than the stock cord it came with. Its not the end all/be all as if it were then its current manufacturer ( wouldn't be offering a better cord for more money. What works for you will depend on the synergy in your system and how far you want to dig into your pockets...
I think there are a couple of things that need to be said. There really is no such thing as "Best" power cord for $200 or some other such statement. What is true is that all cables are going to be system, taste and context sensitive. Once you get past the really poor designs a lot depends on what your looking for. It's sort of like asking what is the best beer for $5.00/six pack? People would have lots of different opinions and some would like a given $5.00/six pack better than some expensive miro-brewed $10.00/six pack beer.

I run DIYCable for what it is worth. Just my opinon on the subject.
Kevin makes a point that is very true. Each cable seems to do well or not in a given system on a given component. And I probably understated the value of the Asylum cord as it has gotten lots of good reviews and is recommended by many. Since there is normally a trial with this cord, it never hurts to give it whirl...especially if it's in one's price range.

-- Greg