Seek Integrated for 1000 dollars, new / used, suggestions?

Hello Everyone,
I am looking for suggestions for an integrated amplifier with a remote for around $1000. I currently have B&W 620i speakers, which I plan to upgrade in the future. I also plan on eventually buying a separate amplifier that I will connect to the integrated for better sound. I like building things in stages rather than all at once and will be able to spend more money this way.

I visited Sound by Singer in NY and listened to the NAD C370 (~$550). I liked it as much as the Arcam A75, but not as much as the new Krell KAV-300iL, which at $3250 was out of my price range. I am not opposed to used / demo gear (KAV-300i maybe?). My CD player is old junk, it is next on the list.

I live in an apartment in the city, so I don't play at very loud volumes, and my listening tastes tend mostly toward electronic and classical music.

Doing this research has been the most fun I've had in a long, long time.

I am looking for thoughts / suggestions.

Thanks to everyone in advance.
Look for used a Bryston BP-60, with or without phono, with or without remote, depending on the price. The SimAudio recommended would also be an excellent choice. Either will satisfy even with the best accompanying components. Happy listening. dr.joe
Classe CAP-150 or 151 (the 151 is the newer model....mainly cosmetic differences). These are both 150W/8 and are very neutral sounding. The CAP-80 (the 80W version) was formerly a Stereophile Class A integrated.
Rich Brkich from Signature Sound has a few integrated demo units for sale. I'm not sure which have remotes. You can check them out at

I'd look into the Linn Majik - you can find them used for $500-600, new is $1095 (or $1195 with phone input). Extremely musical and compact. I had one in my office for a long time and loved it. It has a remote control and pre-amp outs for future amplification upgrade. -Kirk