stereo preamp $2-5K suggestions

I have been a long time lurker of Audiogon forums but I don’t think I have posted anything yet. I am in the market for a stereo preamplifier. I am currently using my Arcam AVR380 as my preamp. The AVR is connected to a 250WPC Emotiva XPA-2 amplifier (input impedance 23.5komhs). I was interested in putting together a tube preamp to solid state amplifier system. I am interested in a tube preamp since I have always preferred to use guitar amps with tubes and I thought that some of that tube magic may apply to hi-fi as well. I have a budget of 5K yet would really like to spend 2-3K instead. (Who wouldn’t?) I am interested in new or used. I have liked my Emotiva amp and looked at the Emotiva’s XSP-1 preamp but I have not tried it at home. I may A-B the Emotiva preamp with whatever tube preamp I end up getting to see how good the XSP-1 is. I tend to use my Music Hall MMF 5.1 turntable / Grado Platinum 1 Cart. / Phonomena II phono preamp to listen to most music. I also tend to play a lot of music with female vocalists. I really like the voices of Anne Murray, Linda Ronstadt, Shelby Lynne and Olivia Newton John. However, I also play a lot of Led Zep, Pink Floyd, Willie Nelson and Steely Dan too. The most important aspect of music to me is the vocals and acoustic instruments. I like solid bass but not at the expense of good sonic texture in the bass. My current audio system (Vandersteen 3Asig speakers/Arcam AVR380/Emotiva XPA-2 amp) sounds good but not great. The sonic texture, dynamics and soundstage width are pretty good in my system but I do not get the 3D presentation I have heard in other systems where the instruments and vocals seem to be floating in space. I can hear the instruments/vocals in my current system placed side to side (2D) but I do not get much depth. I would like suggestions on tube stereo preamps that may get me closer to a 3D presentation of the music. I have been doing online research and saw the PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium Preamp that is new for about 3K. Is this preamp as good as many reviews say it is? Can it really compete with 10K preamplifiers? If there are any great solid state preamps that you think would also give me a great “virtually-there 3D presentation” (in the 2-5K range), I would like to hear about those too. Thanks all!
Definitely agree to get the Arcam out. While your amp is good for the price, it is also not great and not as good as your speakers. It appears from the Vandersteen owners and dealer that regularly post, that set up, placement, listening position are much more critical for Vandersteens than for many other speakers, though proper placement is always necessary.
If looking at tube preamps, make sure that they are comfortable with the input impedance of your amp. We just introduced a tube preamp in this price range and FWIW its OK with that impedance.

However I agree with others here- make sure your system is set up as best you can before making changes to the equipment to further your goals. It can save you a lot of money!
Best linestage I've had in my system was the Musical Fidelity kW. You can google the Stereophile review. Uses 6112 tubes, and was the longest lasting component in my system by a long shot. With that preamp, I finally got the combined sonic benefits that had previously been trade-offs between passive (detail) and active (dynamics and oomph) preamps.

Only reason I am not using it now is that I am employing a DEQX as DAC, preamp and room correction. Something like the DEQX might be worth looking into, as it will do a world of good on both your speakers' frequency response and other characteristics as well as correcting room effects. I use the DEQX primarily with vinyl and here no degredation from the ADC that the unit uses with analog inputs. You can check out more discussion of these on the "Is DEQX a game changer?" thread
G, many, many years ago I owned three different versions of the Vandy 2 speakers so have maintained some interest in their models.

There were two separate times I heard amazing performance from Vandersteens, one at Havens & Hardesty (a former dealer in Orange Co., CA) and the other time at Bill Lowe's home (owner of Audioquest). Both times the speakers were placed well away from the side walls and rear wall, at least 6' as best as I can remember. The Vandersteens are designed for minimal diffraction from their cabinets, as well as being time and phase aligned. These features make them more sensitive to set up but more rewarding once the right spot is found.
I have looked into all the preamps suggested and have found many that I think would be a good fit. Now if they will only show up on Agon... In my stereo room I have 16'w x 15'l to play with. Lets see... so if I sit 1/3 into room (5 feet) and put the speakers 6 feet from the back wall and sit the minimum specified distance from the speakers (Richard Vandersteen states for the 3A is 6 feet) then I need 17 feet. Damn. I need a new house! I do plan on moving the speakers this weekend into room about 6 feet. Its a bit of a job since I have to move furniture, rug and two 100 pound speakers. Thanks again for the great suggestions.