High gain hybrid circuit ss/tube MC phono stage

I'm looking for a high gain hybrid MC phono stage for low output MC cartridge. Stage must be ultra quiet and have gain upwards of 65db. I'm aware of Herron, but I'm not keen on having to deal with the 12volt tubes he uses. What else is out there??

Hi Reb 1208. Wondering what your reservation is with the tubes in the Herron? I'm in the same boat your are all tube based system with ss phono and the K&K and Herron are at the top of my list due to value for performance.
An EAR 834P would work and is very upgradeable. Perhaps you should consider if you want transformers or active gain in the pre-pre stage. An ancient debate.
Take a look at ModWright SWP 9.0SE. I have both the Herron and ModWright, both are excellent.