Best value phono $1-1.5k

I've been having thoughts about setting up a 2nd budget TT and need some ideas on what would be considered the best buys in phonostages now. Best if it also had stellar musicality, could play LOMCs, MMs, was flexible with loading and capacitance. Yes, we wants it all... Inputs anyone?
Has anyone done a comparison between these units:

1) PS Audio GCPH
2) Sim Audio LP5.3
3) Aqvox Phono2 MkII OR
4) Modded PS GCPH?

I only have experience with the Aqvox at a dealer's shop, and was impressed - one of those that "got on my radar" so to speak.

The PS unit is also interesting in that it is also fully balanced and comes with a volume and remote control.

Unfortunately I haven't seen any shoot outs.
I haven't, unfortunately, compared to the other units, but I have owned the Aqvox for well over a year now and am extremely pleased with it.

The Aqvox is unique, I believe, among those you mentioned in that it has both balanced inputs and outputs (the others have only balanced outputs). If you heard it at the dealer without the tonearm leads being modified for truly balanced connection then you only heard about 80% of what it's capable of. The balanced input is much more critcal than the balanced output in terms of getting the most from the Aqvox.

If you were going to go MM (at least long term), I probably wouldn't do the Aqvox. For MC's (either high or low output) going balanced from the cartridge, it is literally plug and play with the current injection mode (I believe the only phono stage in the world offering both fully balanced inputs/outputs and current injection mode); you will never have to even worry about loading.

To say I've been happy with mine is an understatement.