no body is buying anything on audiogon

90 percent of the ads on audiogon nobody buys. why advertise its not going to sell
For most of the country, summertime is short and people tend to spend as much time as possible outdoors. The hobby tends to pick up in the late fall. Living in Florida, as I do, it is a summertime hobby since it is over 90 degrees for five months of the year. Way to hot to be outside. Don
I have to agree that the economy plays a big role in high end audio. You also have to remember that we're in the middle of summer. People have their minds set on vacation and travel. It's obvious that the forum traffic along with the amount of gear that's being listed has trickled off for the season. Hopefully things will pick up around Oct through the new year. (pre holiday, year end bonus and tax returns help to push spending)
The more important issue, stemming from both the 'wealth effect' (I have about 50% less these days, a couple ordinals 6 spaces to the left of the decimal) and 'summer' is how we respond to it.

I continue to have a strong desire to upgrade the B&K array: amp, pre-amp, and Sony DVD. So, I'll deal harder. Many of us need the cash, and I'll trade some of my short-term for the long-term.
I agree that posting an ad these days doesn't generate a lot of interest, I think it's a combination of the season and the economy. Anyone who's working in the technology sector are doing their best to hang on to their job and pay the bills. As quickly as tech ran up, it fell even harder and there are casualities. Stock portfolios have been gutted and people's careers have been ruined. As a result, you're likely to see more stuff up for sale as people attempt to generate cash from their excess gear and less sales in general as families focus on providing for the basics. I got laid off a month ago after being in the semiconductor industry for 18 years and finding new work is proving to be very difficult. If the current malaise in high tech spreads to other pockets of the economy we're in for one helluva rough ride. Enjoy the hobby, it certainly provides a welcome distraction. Jeff
I sold a bunch of stuff in the last couple months here Everything I listed. Seams when you drop the price to 50% of retail or a hair lower stuff sells. Call it a buyers market if you will. I've seen a couple great deals the last couple weeks. But I don't have any money either.