Computer based system. Need advice on DAC.

I am moving to a computer based system using a Mac Mini as my source. So now I need a DAC. I was looking at the Jolida Glass FX III W, but now someone suggested the DSPeaker Antimode 2.0 for the DAC and room correction. Does anyone have advice on these two? The Jolida is available for about $550, the DSPeaker for about $900.

I am currently using Gallo Cl 4 speakers. I have an old Aragon 8008 three channel amp (using two of the channels) and an Aragon 28X preamp. I will probably be upgrading the amps, but not yet. I don't have a lot of spare $$$.
You need to mention what inputs might you use other than computer and also which file types you might use via your computer. There are many DACs available, new or used at or under $500 which might serve you well. Especially if a computer is your only input and you are only going to play PCM files.

AS ZD stated there is more to a DAC than the converter chip. The power supply and analog sections contribute much to the sound.
+1, Zd542.

"....The analog portion of the DAC has a huge effect on its sound quality.
....what separates an exceptional sounding DAC vs just an OK sounding DAC, is the analog section."

If your only source is to be a computer and you are interested in digital room correction, then consider software solutions too. I've been very happy with Acourate, but there are other options too such as Dirac (easier to use, less powerful than Acourate, but powerful enough for most applications).