"Best" DAC for a grand or less

I am looking for a DAC for under a grand . I want something to favor the bass side ,as now my system is a bit on the bright side.I would like it to have a usb port also.My system now is......
Hafler pre amp
Counterpoint solid 1a amp (100 watts)
Nad 515 cd player
Tekton Lore speakers
I'm not going to say "it's the best for a grand or less" - and a certain someone in this thread will cringe (KB, I never did get rid of the thing) - but...

The little MF V-DAC I purchased some time ago is still doing it's job in my system, and doing it well, and for $220 (used). I know, I know, it's a repackaged version of a slightly more expensive MF DAC, but it made my Squeezebox open up, big time. And the fact that HiFi Critic rated it higher than five other far more expensive and reputable DAC's - and found it to have the lowest jitter of any device they had ever tested - sold me on it.
"The Music Hall DAC is the only DAC they carry."
The Music Hall may be a great choice, but Stereo Designs in San Diego also carries the Rega DAC and the Ayre Acoustics QB-9 (which I bought!).

Vicdamone's comments, incl. referencing the expertise of Gordon Rankin's Wavelength Audio, are IMO right on the mark.

BTW, the Wavelength Audio Proton at $900 is the only DAC under $1000 currently listed as "recommended hardware" by Computer Audiophile, and would give you access to Wavelength Audio's very musical asynchronous mode solutions.

Good luck, and please let us know about your results.

I know I asked for a usb port, but at the moment I will not be using it . I will have hooked up to my 2 channel stereo , not a computer.USB is for possible future use.
Ballywho -
No cringing from me. Everyone likes what they like. No sense in getting rid of something that makes you happy and is relatively speaking dirt cheap. I really wanted to like a bunch of things that were less expensive than what I've currently got (Rega DAC gets better every time I listen to it), but they just didn't do everything I was looking for.

The V-DAC is an excellent DAC for the money. I've heard more expensive DACs that either flat out didn't sound as good, or they just weren't worth the premium over it. My only complaint about it was that it didn't groove the way I personally think it should. Nothing more, nothing less.

The Rega DAC hits every note to my ears. Some criticize it's USB limited to 44.1 or 48 implementation, but it's a non-issue to me.