A good DAC: AN kondo, dCS or EMM labs ?

I´m, interested on a new DAC, because I want to buy one memory player, and my question is which DAC do you think can sound better with it? Others DAC can be Weiss, Lavry, Berkeley alpha DAC, Dodson, MBL, Metronome..or others, but I don´t have a lot of information about them.
About dCS I think on Scarlatti.
There is a Kondo dac for $15,000.00 for sale. Give it a go and report back to us how it works out in your system. =8^)
What do you mean by "memory player"? Is that a music server or a CD/SACD transport? If so, which one?

You're listing high end, so I assume a hi-rez source. I'd focus on DACs with open architecture that can handle sampling rates up to DSD one-bit, 5.6Mhz and everything from there down to 16/44.1. Though few have it today, I'd hope for an HDMI-in because more and more hi-rez sources will have that in the future. At a minimum you need Toslink and AES/EBU input and balanced analog out. A method to update firmware, such as USB, will delay obsolesence.

Memory player is not a CD/SACD transport in the classical way, I don´t know if can be classifies as music server, but sorry sounds very well.