Magnepan LRS Support Group?!

I ordered a pair of LRS a couple weeks ago. Backorder time is 6 months! I don't know if anybody else is feeling the uncomfortable longing after ordering theirs? How are you passing the time? I'm kidding (I guess), but I've never had to wait 6 months for a new toy! Let me know if you're also re-reading the reviews that made you take the plunge and planning your listening space alterations. Maybe some of you who have gotten a pair recently can keep us sane by sharing your experience with what we are waiting patiently for. Thanks!


I just sold my pair.  The guy who bought ghem placed his order in November and got sick of waiting.  If you can swing a pair of 1.7i’s used, do that!  The LRS’s are awesome…you’ll want more, and more is 1.7i.

Go to Audio Science Review and read the comprehensive measurements AND listening tests! Then re-think your decision to buy such poorly performing speakers! Unlike amplifiers speakers cannot hide their faults from measurements!

The LRS’s displaced some Salk Sound Veracity HT2-TL’s in my system.  The Salks measured incredibly well and sounded pretty nice!  The LRS’s were my preference though.  I never measured the Magnepans response and they could have measured poorly but that didn’t matter to me because the Maggies sounded awesome!