High Fidelity Cable replaces NPS 1260

The product is going to be called NPS Q45T. Not out yet, but on their Facebook page.


This Lady does not make this product it's not her"s to give away. Tim and Krissy developed and made their own product and could give away as much of that product as they wished or could afford to do so..Again this is not the case for this new product this time around. I am happy to be a schill for a dedicated woman of audio the widow of our friend Tim Mrock. The New Kid on the Block speaks transparently for itself.Tom

“How about schilling your contact enhancer business in another thread?”

You mean us audio enthusiasts should share our enthusiasm about a product we have actually tried and like, somewhere else, because this thread has absolutely nothing to with contact enhancers? I suppose a new thread would be easier for people like you to target and get shut down.