Best Speaker wire with Rogue Audio amp and preamp for $2K or less?

I am hoping to get suggestions for speaker wire... My system consists of Silverline Sonata II speakers, Rega RP-6 TT, Rogue Audio RP-7 tube preamp, and Rogue Audio Classic 100 tube amp.   Absolute Sound recommended Siltech Speaker wire with the Silverlines, but it is too expensive.  Any recommendations would be appreciated.  
Right now I am using 16 Ga in-wall cable, so just about anything will be an improvement!
Ag insider logo xs@2xhammy
I would suggest Analysis Plus Silver Oval 2 speaker cables for that application.  Happy Listening!
"What sound characteristics are you looking for?"

That is a really good question.  It is THE question.  I want a warm midrange.  I don't want a bright treble.  The Rogue Audio equipment is revealing but not overly warm, especially for tubes.  I have read that Analysis Plus may be too bright in the treble for my tastes, although the copper may be better than the silver in that regard.  
Consider Nordost.  Even their lower price series are a very good match with the Rogue equipment.  
A suggestion to try the cable lending library via The Cable Co to try out some different cables in your system. I have an ancient pair of Nordost Flatline speaker cables from the mid 90's. They sound really transparent and fast in my system, but they might let more brightness through than might be ideal for your preferences. Especially with digital sources, I've had to carefully choose my source components to reduce harshness. I didn't have that issue with my turntable though.