Is idler drive better than belt drive or direct drive?

I’m sure this subject has been hashed out many times.
I am the proud owner of a Woodsong Garrard 301. Have owned belt drives and, long ago, a direct drive.
Just judging from the physicality of the idler drive and the result, I feel the idler drive gives more impact and drive to the music. This is very appealing. Believe belt drives significantly came into fashion since they are cheaper to make. I know there are several measurements which are less desirable, but the overall sound is most important and desired.
I own, and have owned, many turntables of all different drive technologies. I can't say that any one of them is better than the other, assuming that the technology is executed properly.

All turntable drive technologies have fans and detractors. All technologies have specific strengths and weaknesses. At the end of the day, how does it sound? My TD-124 sounds great. So does my Luxman PD-441 and Pear Audio Kid Howard. They also all sound different but after hundreds or thousands of hours I can't say which one sounds best. They all do.

IMO, the drive technology employed is less important than the symmetry between turntable, tonearm, cartridge, phono cable and phono stage. If it sounds great to you it sounds great. Period.

LOL. MC.. Crack me up...I'll take ROCK...

 I like direct drive, when it's party time...YUP. 

I like rim, idler with belt, and belt drive when I'm getting serious with the ol vinyl.. Not as often as it should be...RUSSCO.. Garrard KILLERS
Check them out. LOL they have a gear shift.. I love them..

I like hand made too.. fun to mess with..

I own them ALL, 401 (better unit) 301 better looking, TD124s, are a work of art... Russco/Sparta/GRK. 750 Fairchild (my personal favorite) got stolen.
24/7/365, for 30 years, then 200.00 USD worth of parts, another 30.
