If you had to start all over again in this day and age

So, with the advent of different technology, sources and platforms these days, if you had to build your home stereo system all over again, what would you purchase to listen to music that brings you satisfaction?

How much of what you have would you keep, change or throw all out and start over again?
That's fair - that "ownership" versus "renting" aspect is a hurdle for some.  If you're happy enough without the streaming then just keep on with what you're doing.  Surely not for everyone.
Wireless streaming of FLAC and Amazon Music HD (which I've already done). There's no difference between streaming and a CD ... except convenience and having a massive library at hand. Bits is bits.

And I would have stopped creeping up the upgraditis speaker ladder and just gone straight to the top of my wishlist. It would have been cheaper.
I took a long time to jump into streaming, but a year or two ago bought a Bluesound Vault 2. For around $1200 it includes a 2 terrabyte hard drive so I can burn cd's as well as stream from Spotify Premium andTidal... BTW, Spotify has improved its bandwidth so while not cd quality it is closer. If I discover music that I want to own I buy the cd's.
I might buy better B&W speakers, but the subs I built using DM16 (Prototype 801) drivers makes me happy with my crystal clear 803's, especially since the subs are powered by my Audire Forte, which the Audio Emporium's online museum stated had, "Gargantuan Bass".
There's no difference between streaming and a CD ... except convenience and having a massive library at hand. Bits is bits.
That is a silly claim even for those who believe digital is as simple as "bits is bits." There's no way CD can equal the very best hi-res files available from services such as Qobuz.