Merlin VSM-M and Bass

A bit of background:

Marantz SA-14 SACD player
Sonic Frontier Line 2SE preamp
Belles 150A Hotrod amp
Merlin VSM-M with BBAM

Setup and room:
diagonal placement
speakers about 5-6' apart and fairly close to the side walls in a 20'x20'x10' sloped ceiling room with a big opening into a 20'x12'x8' kitchen

I bought the Merlin's (VSM-SE) about 2 months ago and had Bobby upgrade them to the Millenium w/ BBAM. My question is how can I get more bass from them? These speakers are (were?) going to replace my Revel F30. The Revel's have the bass that I'm looking for, however, from maybe 100Hz on up, the Merlin's are much better. I just do not get the bottom end that the Revel's put out.

Integrate a sub? And if so, any suggestions?

Thank you,
I got the 6th toe mod and my bass is absolutely great. But on only 3 spikes the speakers tend to want to tip over. I have had two different heart attacks as my 5 year old inadvertently brushed the side of the speaker hard enough to actually knock the speaker down onto it's side. Fortunately the speaker has landed solidly on it's side on the carpet both times and has sustained zero damage. Will I loose a lot by going to a more stable 4 Z foot setup? BTW, time can stand still as you watch your VSM slowly fall sideways as my 5 year old looks on with horror.
Hi Tom,
The speakers will sound very full and natural even with the four feet used. The bass will not be quite as extended or as punchy but it will still sound wonderful and keep you happy knowing that your little one and the speakers will be more safe. By the way, are you on concrete or wooden flooring?
can I ask how much the upgrade cost you?
were there options along with the upgrade?
I'm considering buying an SE set and upgrading it myself

Just be happy you had a carpeted floor for the speaker to land on becuase this will abosorb a large amount of the impact/shock. I have seen a speaker fall hard on a plain concrete floor... the shock of the impact snapped the voice coil assembly off the back of a cast frame woofer. I could've cried.

My flooring is wood with pretty decent carpeting/padding. I just feel lucky it didn't go the other way and nail my VAC amp or gouge the finish by hitting something on the way down. When it fell it just landed perfectly on the side. I'm going to try 4 feet just for safety's sake.