Michigan - Any Interest?

If you are a Audiophile or Audio Enthusiasts in Michigan, leave a post stating your location, whereby those in your area can contact you if desired.

This hobby is more fun with others to share and compare with!

I live near Kalamazoo, which is a little less than an hour south of Grand Rapids.
S7horton, I thought that since many of us will be at the AKfest, that would be a great central meeting point. Perhaps we could get together for lunch or dinner ???
Do you have a better idea?
AK Fest might not be the best place to meet.... to many things going on. Personally I will be going with several friends who do not have an interest in a club or organization.

I suppose not everyone has to be there. A few people and a proposed date/location to get the first one going and we can see where we go from there.
I will be in Friday night, Saturday, leaving Sun.
I was stating that those of us that are going to go to the AKFest will eat lunch and or dinner somewhere during that day.

Those of us that were interested could meet at lunch or dinner to discuss the possiblity of a regional club.

All we would need to agree on is place and time for the lunch/dinner.