B&W 800d's or MAGICO V3's?

considering a move from my 800d's to the V3's? is this a side ways move or will it be a big improvement?
Golden,I was thinking more along the lines of "town house"!...Detached...

Btw,funny,as my Magico friend has quite old neighbors,who simply cannot hear his rig,at night.Lucky guy!Believe me,the Mini does virtually anything a sane 'phile could possibly want,and the bass(when set up well)is SO good you just don't think about a multi driver design.It really got me thinking about "why" anyone would want complexity of large cabinet/crossovers/multi drivers....Yet...

I do have a group of friends that are not wild about it!Of course these guys like to "split" plaster,with their db's.Personally I dred listening to their set-ups(sometimes) because if you have superb resolution,you just don't need to go deaf....My age is taking care of that already -:)

My Mini Utopia friend uses the sub,only during daytime sessions.

Me?...Well as of now I am elated where I am,and in truth,will do nothing until the housing market improves.

I am in the process of rooting out a "pain in the tush" gremlin,that has plagued me for a few months.It resides in my Pre/phonostage(I hope),so I am turning the "fix" into a major upgrade by adding V-Teflon caps,and a few other tid-bits.

Yet,I always keep an eye towards the future!

Best of luck
something must have attracted you to the 800D, right? Ask yourself what it is you're missing. Maybe, just maybe the new Kef 207/2 is the ticket. Heard it, loved it (more coherent, easier to set up than any B&W). Still haven't heard the magico (ridiculously overpriced over here in euro's - converted into dollars they are 45000). Good luck!
Two completely different speaakers. If you are used to your sound it will take quite a bit of time to get used to the magico's.

I would stay where you are. You have a great system!
considering just adding duel subs and change the configuration to a more traditional rectanguler set up. then see how it sounds. not sure about subs though i use only to channel for mostly music. do not watch many movies and no longer care about big explosions. any feeling on 2 channel music and subs?