trying to upgrade speakers

currently own mobile fidelity om 1
with a musical fidelity x-150 amp
room size is 13 by 15
i have auditioned spendor 8se
triangle antal speakers.
ihave also read alot about green mountain audio callisto
and tyler acoustic linbrook lls but am hesitant because
i cant listen to them. musical tastes vary from jazz to
rock played at moderate volume. would appreciate
any suggestions and advise.
Green Mountain Callisto really took my breat....that is a truely amazing speaker, I also wn Electrostats, so I have to agree with Doug, but I can tell you it would be next to impossible to imagine you not loving the Callisto....truely world class sound.
i live in the new york city area and there is
no way i know of short of actually ordering apair of
ither tyler acoustic linbrooks or the green mountain
callistos. most dealers ive been to are pushing
speakers that they sell (obviously), which is why
ive only heard b and w triangle spendor and a few others.
There are several other options out there. The Escalante Design Juniper, Eben Emilie S-2, Chario Pegasus, Wharfedale Opus 2 or 3. From what you mentioned in your initial post the top 3 I would choose are the Eben Emilie, Ecalante Design Juniper and the GMA Callisto.
Check the Green Mountain website. There is a dealer in New Jersey that is recommended or call Roy or Janet at Green Mountain for more info. The new website is in the works and new dealer list is coming out soon. The Calisto throws a huge sound stage and deep bass with the dual bottom ports. I prefer the Calisto over the Maggies and Eminent Technology LFTIII that I owned.

Good luck!
Lee Landes at Landes audio is in Chester NJ (908) 879-6889
and his store is not an hour from NYC, he also sells the Eminent Tech so you could do a head to head right in his store, he is a really nice guy to hang out with aswell, he is firmly in the first order cross-over camp aswell as tubes, but other than his firm opinions he is a pleasant and smart man.
P.S. his room won best in show in NYC this year, if you do check him out, tell him Chad sent ya