Bang and Olufsen

Bang and Olufsen stuff looks elegant. Anyone know how it sounds. Is it just a high priced Bose i.e very colored?
Quite a few pieces of older Bang & Olufsen electronics has found its' way into various museums and art galleries around the world. Sonically, this is probably the best place for it : ) Their latest and greatest speakers are supposed to be very interesting. Their turntables were probably the one part of their product line that wasn't too bad. Sean
My opinion is that they were near the top of mid-fi equipment manufacturers. (Based on my experience, back when I had a B&O beogram 3000 turntable about 15 years ago). Their equipment was decent sounding, but not really up to audiophile standards.
In their defense, the turntable sounded comparable (well, close anyway), to similarly priced tables at the time, but with a modern sense of style.

If all you are looking for is a simple, fully automatic turntable, for occasional use, you could do worse. But if you are looking for an audiophile table, look elsewhere.

My two cents worth anyway.
If you are looking for looks..they might be your cup of tea.

If you are looking for great sounds...look somewhere else.
thanks for the feedback. With such wonderful style, a shame that the sonics are not better on their new stuff. But as we always say, have a listen. If I get a chance to do this - I will.
They are currently doing very well in the digital amplifier arena, with their "ICE module". It is being used under licence by some of the most highly regarded solid-state amp makers now. This is a state-of-the-art digital amp, at this time.

The new Beolab speakers are also supposed to be quite a treat, but I haven't heard them myself. They are quite different, using some unusual technology, but they are "active" speakers, with the "ICE module" used in a multi-amping active configuration. Not cheaply priced.