My Only Question Is.........

Would someone please tell me the name of the preamplifier(s) on this planet that when inserted into the signal path between any recent Wadia cd player and any amplifier, IMPROVES upon the sound of the forementioned Wadia when compared to running it direct using its digital volume control near its peak. Remeber contestants that the better the preamp the less it imparts to the signal. Keep in mind also that answering this question intelligently would require that you have actually tried this.
Theoretically, this is impossible, unless the Wadia has a fault that a pre-amp can fix or disguise. You won't have to have tried it to know this basic fact. You're looking in the wrong direction.
Forgive me if this isn't intelligent enough for you, but you don't buy a Wadia if you want to use a preamp, so why even ask the question? BTW, there are other terrific CD players that can drive the amp directly, and I enjoy mine very much.
Thanks for the responses. I thought I'd make the question a little sarcastic and inflammatory seeing as I'm a virgin in the forum. I need an identity. I run a Wadia directly and have found the sound driving my amplifiers directly to be unmatched. There has not been a single preamp I have tried (I have recently been wanting to add a tuner)that has not been a compromise in this regard, and I've had some good ones. My point was it seems there is a reluctance to acknowledge this route as superior in all digital systems and I'm surprised it hasn't received the attention it deserves. You are right, there are several other CD players available that can drive direct but if they are not doing it in the digital domain then they are trying to be both a cd player and a preamp and in my experience they are huge dissapointments (the sony for example)Who wants to place the most critical component of a great preamp, its volume control, and strap it to the back of a noisy chasis? With the exception possibly of the krell which has enough hardware it may as well be both. Thanks for the response, I don't belive there is a preamp which was my point.