Are you bored to tears with the topics lately?

I haven't read a spicy fight here on Audiogon in ages. What happened to you all?

How about another thread on "Jaw-dropping power cords"? There's the common-sense theory that if you have some well designed, beefy power supplies then the power cord makes no difference at all. There's the school of thought that sez a power cord is a tone control... absolutely bizarre. There ya go, have it boys, flame away.
Well, I'm threw out something really contraversal, religious sufferage, but noboby bit. Guess I should had stuck to audio.

I'm going to get some wooden Shun Monk disc ear rings and see if they effect the imaging of me system.
I'm bored to death, especially, with a thread that talks of being bored to death...and then again, there is the heartfelt threads about Lugnut/Pat Malone...peace, warren