8 Time Grammy Award Winner? For Real?

I'm sure everyone out there is sick and tired of my whining. But, I (once again) feel the need to vent.

Today, (Sunday, May 25th) which happened to be a damp, drizzly day in Connecticut, Lisa (my better half) and myself, strolled into FYE in the Danbury Fair Mall. She went her way to DVD movies, and I went mine into "Pop/Rock" CDs. After about 15 minutes or so, Lisa found me at the register with a copy of Norah Jones, "Come Away With Me". As we stood in line, she looked at the CD cover and we discussed my new CD purchase. She noticed that of the 14 songs contained on the CD, only 2 were written by Norah. One song (#13) was a collaborative effort.

We further discussed the fact that many of the best artists use non-original material. But, Lisa did make an intersting comment; "Hmmm, she said. I'm surprised that someone awarded Best New Artist would only have 2 original songs". Again, an interesting observation.

Well, I didn't let that take the wind out of my sails. I just continued looking at that little blue sticker on the front of the CD case stating "8 Time Grammy Award Winner", " Album Of The Year", "Best New Artist", "Song Of The Year". I had never heard the complete album, but I figured, it's gotta be halfway decent.

Upon arriving home I put the CD through my usual ritual (Wash, Cut, Polish and Demagnetize), placed the CD In the Audiomeca and sat back to listen to this exciting new "Grammy" performance.

You're kidding, right? This is it?

O.K.,O.K. Kinda cool voice with a sandy kind of texture, (although, she sounds like she was recorded using a plastic microphone), average piano playing skills (although, on cut #1 the piano sounds like it's under water), and on cut #9, she had an almost Ricki Lee Jones "kind of" quality. Overall, not a bad recording, but I wouldn't put it high on the "sonics" list.

So, this is "today's" Grammy material Huh?

I'm certainly glad I'm not a postal worker skilled in firing automatic weapons, cause I feel like I'm losing my mind.

Has anyone found this "Grammy Award Winner" worthy of it's status?

My opinion? I'd have to concur with the title of the first song,"Don't Know Why".

Paulwp, let's clarify several comments in your last response, shall we?

Terminology; please define 'dissing". Because quite frankly, it is a very general term. As I look back through the responses to this thread, I see very few people "dissing" Norah's efforts.

To the contrary, I found most everyone to be quite receptive to this new release within reason. My original intent was not to "diss" anyone. Nor do I feel it was the intent of anyone who responded to this thread. I feel that the majority of the focus was the questionable Grammy and musical standards. That was MY bone of contention, not anyone else's until, of course, people started responding to this thread.

TAS says the same thing? About what? If your thinking of the same TAS that I'm thinking of..... I personally respect the opinions of many sources, but I don't use any single one as "the benchmark". And as I have said in the past; I'm not asking anyone to agree with my opinion, I simply ask that they respect my opinion. Hence, the concept behind a forum.

Taking offense? The only time I take offense to things said, is when they are hollow statements that are said with no basis. Let's try a different approach;

Gee Ed, I noticed a somewhat different approach to your system setup. Is that L.H. speaker at first reflection? Did you calculate your room nodes? Is that 5/8" sheetrock with sound deadening insulation? Are those 15' ceilings? Is the dispersion range of the speakers in FRONT of the couch? Is your listening chair 4 feet from the opposing walls? Are you running triangulated or cross axial?

And does Norah's album sound the same in my listening environment as your listening environment? Probably not. Your friends listening environment? Probably not.

You see? Now someone can make a more informed, intellegent statement. It's an age old concept, engage your brain BEFORE putting your mouth in drive.

In closing Paul, if certain individuals become that easily offended by opinions rendered in this forum, they should not be here. If open exchanges of ideas become too stressful, they should find somewhere else to go. But if people are going to participate in this forum or any other forum, they should keep in mind, it is an OPEN EXCHANGE of ideas. That means you must approach it with an OPEN MIND.
Busic2, how can you possible say the intent in your original post was not to disrespect Norah Jones? The entire post is a put down of the record. Maybe you should reread your post. But then again, you did admit you were whining.
Hmm, I thought it was clear from the structure of my response, but in the first point "2" of the message to which I responded, DB said the lp is better than the cd. I have no idea if that's true, or care, but just to be friendly I thought I'd point out that a review I just read in TAS agreed with him on that point. Not something worth having an extended discussion about, really.
Just saw Norah singing on Willie Nelson's birthday party tv show. Really enjoyed her performance on my no-fi tv. I like her a lot more now.
Onhwy61, Maybe we should both go back and read the original post. I just did. In my original post I summed up my opinion of this new release in one paragraph. "Kinda cool voice" means exactly what it says. I think her voice is cool. "Cool" meaning, I like it.

"Plastic microphone" pertains to the recording quality, "piano underwater" pertains to recording quality. "Ricki Lee Jones kind of" quality means singing style. Look at my preceeding responses and you'll see that I mention Ricki as being one of my absolute favorite musicians. "Not a bad recording" is self explanatory.

The statement I am trying to make is the same statement I tried to make in previous threads titled, "Is there big trouble brewing" and "Recording industry dirt". Both of those threads were in regards to quality standards now considered acceptable by the industry. Do I consider this a good new album? As I said before, it's not bad. Do I consider this Grammy material? No. At least not relative to what material used to be considered Grammy material. Do I consider Norah talented? She's O.K.

I would never compare her to Ella, Joni, etc. because I think that would be unfair. Again, read my post and look at it from the perspective of Grammy performance. Perhaps you will see the perspective from which I see it. Or, maybe not.

Also, (I feel) the majority of people who responded to this post, pretty much had the same opinion regarding her performance. It was O.K. That would leave me to believe that I'm not the only person who feels this way.

My "whining" is the disgust I feel towards the ever dropping standards of musical performance. And, until the industry promotes musicians the way that they used to, and proceeds to shake this "churn em and burn em" mentality, I will continue to "whine".

DB had mentioned reevaluating Norah in ten years from now. Based on past performance of the newer musicians and the recording industry, do you really think that Norah will be around ten years from now?

I would be pleasantly surprised. But I won't hold my breath.