Yet Another Speaker Choice Question

Greetings fellow A'goners,hope your having a great weekend.A tragic collision early yesterday,during the unauthorized incursion into my sacred music chamber by my girlfriends rowdy 6 year old son & her equally rowdy 3 year old german shephard,has left 1 of my Dynaudio Audience 52 SE's unable to sing without surgical repair from the Danes that gave her life.Realizing that since this is a discontinued model,donar organs(spare parts) may not be available,it may be time for a new mistress.I REALLY like MOST of what the Dyn's brought to the table except for an occasional hardness in the treble(at louder levels)and wouldn't mind a little more warmth in the midrange,although I realize the Dyn's are probably being close to truthfull in this area(what can I say).After spending hours researching possible choices I have pretty much narrowed it down to a pair of Dynaudio Excite X16's or the Sonus Faber Concerto Domus that are currently on sale here on A'gon.Front end is a VTL IT-85(& yes I tried tube rolling the slight treble hardness out with no luck),room size is currently 12'x16',although that may be downsized in the future.Musical taste varies from classical/chamber,reggae,acoustic/electric blues & classic rock with a smattering of metal(Metallica,etc..) thrown in when I really need to vent.So what do you think guys,which way would YOU go & why?Thanks for your input,take care.
I'm chuckling a bit after reading Buconero117's & Krell_man's comments. I lived thru (barely) a similar situation with a g/f & & psycho, peeing, very mean cat. (And I'm a cat lover, I have one sitting on my lap right now, purring). I felt like my house, & "stuff" were under assault.

Besides all the cat damage, Quickly it got to the point where I couldn't even listen to music, on either of my 2 systems, w/o getting grief for it.

I'm leaving out all the worst details, but what Krell_man said: "Why would a six year old, who's old enough to be given boundaries on what's acceptable and what's not, be allowed to break your things? How's the rules and discipline situation?", I think nails it. Any normal rules, behavior, were out the window, as long as I put up with it.

Here's the kicker: guess who's the bad person in that situation? It's the one who doesn't want their house & stuff destroyed, or constant chaos. You can watch one of those dog training programs to get an idea. There's always one adult who insists on enabling the destructive behavior....
Personally Dyns are best with strong, powerful s/s amp.
That hardness is due to the amp loosing steam at higher volume levels be it solid state or tube, it can have that character.
If you like the dyns sound, you might want to look at a more powerful amp.
If you like to use your VTLs, you might investigate other speakers like the harbeths or sonus fabers.
Good luck
Buconero, Krell_man, Steveaudio,

Okay, Freediver's taking this a little too casually for me too. But lets not be too hard on the lad. Perhaps she has merely provided him with the excuse he's been waiting for to upgrade all along, and is now making it up to him in ways that...well, you know.