Can I get deeper bass from my 890c Boleros?

I have these Altecs hooked up to a marantz 2270.My main sources are an Onkyo DX 220 cd changer,a Sony PS FL1 drawer
style tt.Also sometimes use my Panasonic F86 dvd changer thru the 2270 too.
So,I really like my Boleros.Recently had them re-capped and had moretite applied in place of the turned to dust foam seals.The controls were de-oxed as well.
They sound great on everything,Berlin school em,jazz,rock,doo wop,etc.....
I've read adding weight to the passives will lower system
resonance resulting in a better bottom end.
Any suggestions?
Thanks for the replies guys.Duke,what you're saying could be worth trying for.A more gradual rollo0ff sounds reasonable since I'm not expecting thunderous subwoofer type performance here,just a firmer bottom end.
Now,to figure a way to do it.
Place a large baffle round loudspeaker. Altec did this on many theater models.
run them with a powered sub. submitted by: capt. obvious. i recapped mine, couldn't hurt.