Best return for the money, system upgrade suggestions please.

I have managed to save some money that I do not intend to use to pay down student loans! I managed to save almost 2K and would like some advice as to where the money would be best spent. Here is my system below, thanks!

Amp - Integrated Krell Vanguard
Speakers - Sonus Faber Electa's
CDP - Cambridge AZURE 840C
SACD - Sony SCD C2000ES
DAC - Cambridge DacMagic Plus with BT dongle
Tuner - Luxman T117
Speaker Cable - Audioquest Type 4
IC's - Kimber Silver Streak throughout
Dedicated/Isolated 20 amp AC line with a PS Audio outlet
When your budget allows try the Kimber 8 or 12 VS speaker cable with the cost effective spades, it's killer for the price and will be an upgrade over the AQ4 speaker cable.
When you feel like another upgrade remember to experiment with ac isolation/conditioning. Best bang for buck is at the source. Something like “balanced power” like a Furnan or Equitech 2Q will be a permanent benefit whose value to your sound will increase over time as ac noise is constantly increasing and the balanced technology will never change, its basic to ac power. Perhaps check a website. Happy listening :)
Hi grm,

 it sounds like a lot of retired accounts have given you advice.  Lifes to short. Treat yourself on something you love. Its music. A dac would be my suggestion. Around 700.00 you'll find many to choose from. Hopefully you have a shop to listen and preview some gear.

Good luck 

Spend it on a streamer/DAC and then maybe add a schiit Multibit DAC for fun!

for your consideration 
Cambridge CNX
marantz Nd8006