
Discussions mglik has started

In general, how does price relate to quality? 165129
Finally, a great stylus cleaner-Onzow Zerodust!241414
Townshend platforms vs SRA platforms212810
What are your favorite Classical LPs?11575
Audio companies or boutique labels for good SQ LPs?7429
What speaker has the best tweeter?1356198
Best preamp with built in phono stage?420222
Blown away by a vinyl version of a CD?9778
Class D amps seem poised to take over. Then what?45162329
Woodsong Garrard 301, Artisan Fidelity 301, Shindo 301, SME 301, or etc.?659223
Excellent full function preamp or excellent line stage with excellent phono stage?6711
What ever happened to Mark Levenson?706749
After 50 years, I have finally found my destination amps... AGD Audions!944158
Specifications VS Sound Quality178536
Torture test for a TT rig!205619