
Responses from bbenn

Free Tweak...does it work for you??
its the MUSIC! what do you hear different from your music? 
Compare: Basis Debut, VPI TNT, top Teres tables
well, for what its worth Mr. Kondo of Audio Note Japan has assembled some very expensive, did i say very expensive systems for international clients, and in his cost no object systems, he uses the Simon Yorke S7 turntable and tone arm. That is the... 
Say it aint so--- Teres quality question
I too am bulding my own turntable, using a combination of cocobolo wood and brass. And while i have no direct experience with the Teres TT, I absolutley agree with Lugnut, that the term accuracy for a wood-worker is totally different that of a mac... 
Looking for suggestions on reasonable upgrades
Here is one approach: get the most out of what you have, then upgrade depending on the weakest link in your system, a different playback medium, etc. By getting the most out of your system, I mean take care of the little things, manage vibrations,... 
Sound Engineering record weight
Initially, I made the outside record weight for my Yorke turntable and it really worked well! I then machined one Michael Fremer and then one for the US importer of the Yorke turntables. As the result of word-of-mouth and AudiogoN, there are outsi... 
Upgrade from Audio Physic Virgos to ???
add a sub (better yet a pair of subs)to the Virgos and you will have a world class speaker system...IMO 
Anyone used a non-Basis Clamp on their Basis TT?
u might try the Harmonix record clamp. works well on my Yorke...designed to manage micro-vibrations, might even try an outside record weight :-) 
HELP: Subwoofer for SET setup
I think if you get your signal from the amp's speaker binding post, rather than the from the phono out of the pre-amp you'll be set. There is most likely a better way to describe what I mean, but i have a SET amp and had the same problem, switched... 
Mat Material...............
I think Sean is on point, there is no one answer to which mat material is best. What works for one TT may not work for another. With that being said, in the hay-day of vinyl, a lot of scientific research was done on turntables and their components... 
I recently emailed John Atkinson of Stereophile
here is my take on Stereophile and the rest of the audio magazines; they don't add anything other than reviews of vendor provided equipment, and any vendor that won't provide a no cost component will not reviewed or acknowledged in the magazine. A... 
the Listening Room
I am lucky to have a dedicated, 2 channel music room. For me, the goal would be to eliminate any effect the room has on the musical preformance. The primary concern and challenge is recognizing what defines a technically correct solution. For exam... 
Review: Lowther Medallion II Speaker
I have Lowthers also, housed in Beauhorn's cabinets. Try the Bybee filter attached directly at the driver binding post, you will be amazed! 
Does it hurt when you sell at a loss?
The beauty and power of the Internet has provided a means to buy and sell components, and minimize the loss. I have bought and sold on AudiogoN. Paid too much for some things and saved lots on others, and it nets out. The market forces will challe... 
Stereophile looses Jonathan Scull
I agree, the magazine is going down hill fast, This should be a wake-up call; Stereohile has been a mainstay for years; I for one am going to get off my butt and e-mail Stereophile, if J-10, so goes my subscription. Hell, before you know it they'l... 
Virgo user need advice for matching subwoofer?
I had Virgo's and the obvious choice was the Rhea. World class sub, designed to integrate with the Audio Physics product line, especially the Virgos. And you can find them on AudioGon reasonably priced :-)