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 Anyone tried both the Kubala-Sosna and Jena Labs
I currently have Kubala-Sosna Emotion speaker cables
 Replaced Kimber Kable Hero ICs with Kubala-Sosna
I just replaced Kimber Kable Hero ICs with Kubala-Sosna
 Smooth sounding copper IC like Kubala Sosna
I like the Kubala Sosna Emotion a lot but cant afford
 Kubala Sosna Emtiions Speaker Cables
purchasing either the Kaplan GS Speaker cables or the Kubala...Sosna Emotion Speaker Cables.
 Kubala -Sosna Elation & Shunyata Anaconda Helix Question
I went in and did my research before asking and just wanted to know other member's opinions w...
 Kimber ks 3033 vs kubala sosna emotion vs...
Now I am torn between kimber ks 3033, kubala sosna
 Kubala Sosna Emotion vs. Jena Valkyre speaker cabl
Any opinions on those two top contenders
 Kubala-Sosna & Meitner Emm Labs Gets my top Vote
Kubala – Sosna Cables “ Gets my Top Vote “WOW-24...harmony to my listening room: The Meitner ...