Incredible review of Vandersteen 7 mkII in...

Audio Beat. Just read this review and wanted to share with those of us who LOVE our Vandersteen's as well as other's who just love reading reviews. I've followed this writer for awhile and appreciate their style and feel it's an fair review. They go into a lot of great detail that is a must read for any audiophile as it makes you think about speaker design in general. He has nice things to say about Wilson also and talks about the differing engineering views of each company. To me this was one of the better reviews I've read in a while as they did a ton of research and it's shows in the writing. Hope you all enjoy:
Roy Gregory is a great reviewer and I really like his writing style. He also gave a very favorable review of my speakers in HiFi+ a few years ago right after HP praised them.

Thanks for the heads up.

From my opportunity to hear the original 7...hard to imagine it being so improved on.
I had the 5a years ago. Nice speaker, but very polite unless it received a lot of watts. Downward firing subs are not to everyone's liking. Very limited sweetspot. Dynamic limitations due to those small drivers. Lack of punch in the lower midbass. Is the 7 so radically different?
08-12-15: Psag
I had the 5a years ago. Nice speaker, but very polite unless it received a lot of watts. Downward firing subs are not to everyone's liking. Very limited sweetspot. Dynamic limitations due to those small drivers. Lack of punch in the lower midbass. Is the 7 so radically different?

The problem her is the equipment not the speakers. I thought the same thing - typical Vandy house sound but since I build my own gear now, that changed the way the Vandy speakers sound. Goes to show you that you cannot make a judgement unless you have tried all the options. I run my very old 5s with a DHT DAC, Preamp and modified Counterpoint SA-100. These components changed the sound dramatically.

Happy Listening.