Springsteen's "Magic" on vinyl, opinions?

After hearing Bruce's new one, Magic, I'm in the camp of listeners who thinks this is a great return to classic form. But the compressed, squashed production is awful! I can't imagine what Brendan O'Brien was thinking when he mixed this sonic sludge. Is the vinyl any better sounding than the cd version?
I agree with you the CD version sounds bad, so bad in fact I thought I had a bad CD. Anyway liked the music so I got the LP. The vinyl is an improvement but IMHO not a great recording.
There's another post here that confirms Brendan O'Brien ruined an otherwise fine album with poor production and mixing. The consensus is he mixed the album to be played through iPod earphones. Vinyl isn't much of an improvement: Garbage in, garbage out.
I am actually glad to have confirmation from you guys that this CD is poorly recorded. Magic, the song is not bad, but the rest of it is pretty poor. I thought I had some bad tubes in my amp/preamp until I played Wilco's "Sky blue sky" to confirm it wasn't the tubes. Maybe they were going for a grunge sound, but it didn't work, vocals are really bad! Don't know how Bruce allowed this?